Louise Frydman

Loo & Lou Gallery — George V
26.02 – 17.07.2021

"My work is an exploration of the forms of nature. I model the earth and give birth to delicate pieces, which I wrap in a powdery white, on which the light comes to rest to make the lines vibrate. Movement appears as an essential element of my work, through living forms and suspended moving parts. I seek the meeting between strength and fragility by working my sculptures in an ethereal way in their forms, and powerful in their dimensions. A petal, a tree, the wind... It is my emotion that I try to show."

— Louise Frydman

This presentation echoes the group exhibition "Bing! Bing! 砰 砰 ! Céramique Contemporaine" presented by ICICLE (35e Avenue George V, Paris 8e) from March 1 to September 8, 2021. Open Monday through Saturday, 9:30 am - 5:30 pm.

"In Mandarin, the character 砰 (pēng) is the equivalent of the French onomatopoeia "bing!": it evokes a shock, a clash, and means a rupture, a sudden event that modifies reality."