Loo&Lou Gallery presents a selection of unpublished artwork from Camille Grandval.

Camille Grandval is a self-taught artist with a curious nature, who uses many different mediums and has had a variety of professional and artistic experiences. From the micro-sidewalks she made in the 1990s for Radio Nova during what she calls her “Impressionist period,” to Narcisse, a video installation shown at the Église Notre-Dame du Travail during Paris’s Nuit Blanche, Grandal throws her body and soul into each adventure, eager to learn and discover new techniques.

She is a seasoned traveler and sailor, and worked with the theme of water for a long time, making drawings with crashing waves formed by multitudes of undulating lines. A fervent admirer of the Venezuelan artist Gertrud Goldschmidt, or “Gego,” Grandval shares an obsession with lines, whether imaginary, drawn on paper or with threads. Grandval uses these lines to weave a metaphor of her own entropy through reflections on distortion, she is creating a new relationship with space, time, and matter.